There is not a fool-proof way for your family to completely avoid car accidents. Reckless drivers sharing the road make it challenging to avoid car crashes. At Merdes Law Office, we encourage our clients to practice safe driving techniques.
Practice Safe Driving Techniques
A responsible driver pays close attention to the roadway, reports dangerous drivers, and regularly maintains their vehicle. If a driver fails to practice the same, he or she may cause an accident and harm to others.
Fortunately, aside from using common sense and taking other safety precautions, there are other ways to make our roads safer. Unlawful and negligent drivers may be brought to justice in both criminal and civil courts under certain circumstances. Criminal court holds unlawful drivers accountable and civil court holds negligent drivers financially accountable for the costs of related damages.
Negligent and unlawful drivers may be off the roads for some time. As a consequence of causing an accident, some drivers may have their license suspended or revoked.
Following An Accident In Alaska
After an accident occurs, it is important to check on everyone involved. Ensure everyone is safe and no longer at risk of injury, then report the accident to 911 as soon as possible. Exchange contact and insurance information between all drivers. Take pictures of the accident scene and hold onto any receipts for payments made on related damages.
In Alaska, a driver who caused injury to another person, due to their own negligence or unlawful behavior, can be held financially responsible for the damages. Medical care, time spent unable to work, permanent or temporary disabilities, court costs, attorneys’ fees, related interests and in extreme cases, punitive damages.
If you or a loved one is injured in a car accident due to no fault of your own, please contact Merdes Law Office, 866.452.3741 or visit
The Merdes Law Office has helped injured Alaskans for more than 30 years, it’s who we are. And while we hope you never need us… We’re here if you do.