Fire prevention starts at home. Kitchen appliances, indoor fire places and heaters, and electrical sockets and wires are all common potential fire hazards. Consider possible risks when installing, using, or storing items in your home that may contribute to an unexpected fire starting. Make a plan with your family should a fire occur in your home and have extinguishers readily … [Read more...]
Firework Safety Tips
Celebrating Independence Day will be different for many people this year. In Alaska, many cities have canceled traditional Fourth of July events and firework displays due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you purchase fireworks for your own show, enjoy them safely and take extra precautions to avoid dangerous, and potentially harmful, risks. Be Careful When Lighting Fireworks The … [Read more...]
Pediatric Electrical Burn Injuries
With public schools across Alaska closing for the remaining portion of the 2019-2020 school year, child burn injuries are an increasing concern. The most common burn injury for children involves scalding hot water but another major concern is electrical burns. It is up to parents to be educated and alert to protect children from all types of burn injuries. Electrical Injuries From … [Read more...]
Treating Burn Injuries
Burn injuries range in severity depending on several factors, including size, location, and depth of the burn. The severity of a burn determines the steps to take to ensure proper treatment. Minor Burn Injuries Following a burn injury, inspect the area thoroughly to determine the seriousness of the injury. Run cool water over the area or use a cool compress. Avoid using ice as this … [Read more...]
Burn Awareness Week
In the United States, approximately 400,000 people receive medical care for treatment of burn injuries every year. Many of those injuries are preventable. The American Burn Association aspires to bring awareness to such injuries and provide guidance on how to prevent burns. National Burn Awareness Week is February 2 - 8, 2020. Common Causes of Burn Injuries Exposure to heat, … [Read more...]
Z – In Home Fire Safety
Fireplaces are a great way to warm up your home on cold winter days but there are several safety concerns with indoor fires. Ensure you are practicing good fire safety for not only open flame but gas fireplaces too. Cleaning Clean up around the fireplace or gas stove before lighting anything. Some things can get too hot and catch fire unexpectedly. Avoid disaster with a … [Read more...]