Fire Prevention Week Although October is Fire Prevention Month, October 3 - 9, 2021 is also Fire Prevention Week. For 2021, the National Fire Prevention Association’s theme is “Learn the Sound of Fire Safety!” Focusing on learning the sounds of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in homes and that those sounds are a sign to act. Annual Theme These year’s theme also serves to remind … [Read more...]
National Burn Awareness Week
The American Burn Association annually organizes National Burn Awareness Week. Burn victims and groups provide resources to the general public. When we work together to spread awareness, we protect each other and our community. This year, National Burn Awareness Week is February 7 – 13, 2021. There are many causes of burn injuries. This includes improper exposure to fire, hot liquids, … [Read more...]
Z – Stay Warm At Home
January is the coldest month. It is critical to stay warm at home. Homes in Alaska are heated differently. Many homes have a fuel tank buried underground. Other heating options include a pellet or wood stove. Maintaining your home's heat source is important so it does not fail in extreme temperatures. Homes with Fuel Tank If your home has a fuel tank, track the level … [Read more...]
Wood Burning Safety
Fireplaces and woodstoves are often found in Alaska homes. Be aware of indoor fire safety precautions before using a wood burning heat source. If you're unsure of how to safely operate a woodstove or fireplace, avoid using one without a knowledgeable person providing instructions. There are many ways a wood burning stove or fireplace can become hazardous. Fire Prevention In … [Read more...]
Fire Prevention
Fire prevention starts at home. Kitchen appliances, indoor fire places and heaters, and electrical sockets and wires are all common potential fire hazards. Consider possible risks when installing, using, or storing items in your home that may contribute to an unexpected fire starting. Make a plan with your family should a fire occur in your home and have extinguishers readily … [Read more...]
Wildfires in Alaska
Wildfire season has begun in Alaska. Wildfires are often started in nature because of weather conditions. Even still, it is important to practice safety and awareness when using fire to avoid spreading and becoming a wildfire. What can you do to help prevent wildfires this summer? Wildfire Prevention And Safety Tips There are many ways Alaskans enjoy and use fire during the summer … [Read more...]