Viewing the Northern Lights is common in Alaska and popular among tourists. There are safety concerns to consider when viewing the Northern Lights whether by yourself or with a tour group. Choosing A Safe Location Choose a location to safely view the Northern Lights where you can park your vehicle away from any potential traffic. Pulling over on the side of the road to view … [Read more...]
Winter Solstice In Alaska
Winter solstice is the day the Northern Hemisphere tilts furthest from the sun. Many places in Alaska see less than 6 hours of daylight on winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. After December 21, Alaska will slowly start to gain more daylight every day. Although the solstice marks the shortest day and longest night, it's not usually the coldest day of the year. Even as … [Read more...]
Driving On Ice
Ice is a concern on the road this time of year. It is important for drivers to understand how to drive on icy roads to avoid crashes and how to correct vehicles if sliding occurs. Slow Down While Driving On Ice The best way to avoid sliding on icy roads is to slow down. Many crashes occur due to drivers traveling too fast for conditions. If your vehicle starts to slide or fishtail, … [Read more...]
Z – Help Kids Stay Safe And Warm
Below freezing and negative temperatures are expected across Alaska for Halloween this year. If your family plans on trick-or-treating this weekend, or even just going out to play in the snow, think ahead of how to keep everyone warm and well hydrated. Reduce the risk of your family experiencing hypothermia or frostbite during cold weather months. Make A Plan To Stay … [Read more...]