Semi trucks cannot navigate through traffic with the same level of agility as smaller automobiles. This is not because truckers are bad drivers; it is a simple fact of physics. Big rigs are large, heavy, slow to turn and slow to stop. Meanwhile, cars are quick, agile, light and fast to stop in comparison. Still, there are a number of things truck drivers can do to ensure they are operating their vehicles as safely as possible.
Truck drivers should ensure their vehicles are in proper mechanical condition.
Proper mechanical condition can be achieved by regularly taking the truck in for scheduled maintenance visits. Especially, truckers and truck companies need to focus on the vehicles brakes. These are the Achilles heel of a big rig. Even minor problems with brakes could spell disaster when it comes to a heavy truck having a hard time stopping. As soon as they suspect mechanical issues, truck drivers who work for large companies should report them to their dispatchers.
Truckers need to take time when loading their cargo to ensure their payloads are appropriately balanced.
Truck drivers should pay particularly close attention to stacking heavy items low and spreading out the cargo across the entire space of the trailer. Not only will this help trucks maneuver better and avoid crashes, but it will also help the truck achieve better gas mileage on the road.
These are two great pieces of advice that truckers can follow. There are many more safety tips that can be helpful to know, so truckers should discuss safety strategies with their employers and consult safety and training manuals received during training.
At Merdes Law Office P.C. we have represented too many semi truck crash plaintiffs in cases involving avoidable injuries. Often, these injuries were catastrophic or fatal, and could have been prevented if simple safety measures had been taken.
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